A question from Reddit: Like let’s say out in west Texas, your county only had one black family. Were they given an education? Did they have to go to school in a larger town? Or was home education considered good enough? Answer While there are few absolutes about...
Frequently Asked Questions about Education History
In 2017, I began answering questions on Ask Historians on Reddit – and my answers were promptly removed for being too short or not attending to good practices in historiography. I focused on getting better at writing about history, at understanding the full picture of American education history, and recognizing gaps in my own learning. My answers got better and in 2019, I joined the moderation team at Ask Historians. (You can hear me talk about my experiences on Reddit, and why I value the AH community, in this episode of the AH Podcast.)
I’ve answered dozens of questions about American education history and have compiled some of my favorites here. Please feel free to reach out if you have a particular education history you’d like answered or join us over on Ask Historians and post your question!
Frequently Asked Questions about Education History
How does history education related to the Civil War differ between New York State and Texas?
A user on Reddit asked: Tonight, my wife and I engaged in a heated debate on whether or not the American Civil War history was taught differently in the South vs. the North. She was deeply offended when I pointed out that her history books were likely lenient on the...
Why do so many towns use Native American figures as their high school mascot?
A user on Reddit's Ask Historians asked: There's the perennial debate we have about if it's an appropriate mascot—both for professional teams and school teams—which leads to a lot of arguing about the history of the mascot: at least in my town, supporters of it argue...
Schools designed for factory workers?
‘The modern education system was designed to produce complacent factory workers’ is an oft repeated idea. How true or false is this?
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