

“Ephemera” refers to works or texts that are expected to be short-lived or related to current events. In the case of the Education History 101 blog, this means writing on education in the modern era, including essays on politics, race, gender, assessment, Twitter threads, and more.


Tackling and Triaging Manuscript Feedback

Tackling and Triaging Manuscript Feedback

In theory, our email alerts have no way of making different sounds based on the contents of the emails they’re announcing. Yet, as someone who gives and receives feedback, I’m firmly convinced there’s a special thud when editors’ emails arrive in an author’s mailbox....



Other podcast hosts have graciously allowed me to come on and talk about things I'm passionate about. They include: Human Restoration Project S2, E17: Is the factory model a myth? Visions of Education E46: Women in Education History Ask Historians E121:...

Recommended books on feedback and language

Recommended books on feedback and language

Getting good at feedback is mostly about practice. Lots and lots of practice. And being very clear on the type of feedback the person is looking for and making sure the feedback attends to that. There are, though, some texts I've found to be useful for crafting...

What I’m Currently Reading

What I’m Currently Reading

Pursuit of Knowledge: Black Women and Educational Activism in Antebellum America by Kabria Baumgartner. It's wonderful and incredibly accessible while providing the reader a detailed history of the women's lives.

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